2019 BBC Funded Research
Richard "Buz" Cooper Scholars
Erica L. Carpenter, MBA, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Director, Liquid Biopsy Laboratory, Hematology-Oncology
Research Focus: Combining non-invasive liquid biopsy and radiomic phenotypes to develop a responder signature for advanced lung cancer patients receiving EGFR-targeted therapy
Joseph A. Fraietta, PhD
Assistant Professor of Microbiology
Director, Solid Tumor, Immunotherapy Laboratory, Center for Advanced Cellular Therapeutics
Research Focus: Single-cell mapping of the epigenome and CAR-T integration site analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Despina Kontos, PhD
Associate Professor of Radiology
IBI Senior Fellow
Research Focus: Combining non-invasive liquid biopsy and radiomic phenotypes to develop a responder signature for advanced lung cancer patients receiving EGFR-targeted therapy
Kara N. Maxwell, MD, PhD
Assistant professor of informatics in Biostatics and Epidemiology
Research Focus:Development of longitudinal patient profiles to facilitate studying the association of common genetic variants with lung cancer outcomes
Danielle L. Mowery, PhD
Assistant Professor of Informatics in Biostatics and Epidemiology
Research Focus: Development of longitudinal patient profiles to facilitate studying the association of common genetic variants with lung cancer outcomes
Andrei Thomas-Tikhonenko, PhD
Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Research Focus: Systematic Analysis of Intron Retention to Aid Neoepitope Discovery.
Golnaz Vahedu, PhD
Assistant Professor of Genetics, Penn Institute for Immunology
Research Focus: Single-cell mapping of the epigenome and CAR-T integration site analysis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Yi Xing, PhD
Francis West Lewis Chair
Director, Center for Computational and Genomic Medicine
Professor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Research Focus: Systematic Analysis of Intron Retention to Aid Neoepitope Discovery