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WINKS Challenge

Fri October 15 - Wed December 15
Team Fundraiser


Fundraiser Login
Current Team Members:


Raised of $1,000



Join Us in Helping the Brain Tumor Community!

Here are some of the realities for brain tumor patients and their caregivers, and why your support is so important.  (Source:  National Brain Tumor Society)

  • There are more than 120 types of brain and central nervous system (CNS) tumors
  • An estimated 700,000 Americans are living with a brain tumor
  • More than any other cancer, brain tumors can have lasting and life-altering physical, cognitive, and psychological impacts on a patient’s life.   
  • Brain Tumors represent the highest per-patient initial cost of care for any cancer group 
    • An annualized mean net cost approaching $150,000; and 
    • Highest annualized mean net costs for last-year-of-life care at $135,000 to $210,000

All proceeds will benefit WINKS, a 501(c)(3) all-volunteer nonprofit organization, working to enhance the quality of life for brain tumor patients and caregivers With INtentional Kindness and Support – no journey is traveled alone!  

Thank you for your support!

Real_Rainbows Team Members


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