Frequently Asked Questions
This page includes frequently asked questions about the event and will be updated as needed. If you can't find the answer to a question simply click HERE and complete the form “Virtual Event Contact Info” in the middle of the page.
General Info
- Who is hosting this race?
- WINKS - With INtentional Kindness and Support is hosting the race. All proceeds will benefit brain tumor patients and caregivers. For more information about WINKS please visit https://winksbt.org/
- When will race finisher prizes be mailed?
- The finisher prizes for all participants will be mailed at the end of the challenge in mid-December.
- How do I submit my results?
- Submit your miles as you go visit https://runsignup.com/Race/Results/98798 and log into your RunSignUp account you used when registering for the WINKS Challenge. Your progress will be tracked, and you will unlock some brain tumor facts along the way.
- Step by step instructions can be found HERE.
- Do I need a GPS watch/tracker, or Strava? Will I need to show my watch or device for proof of running?
- You can use one if you wish, but you do not need one. You cannot link to the log in site with it. You are on the Honor System. There are no additional awards given for running faster. The goal is to complete the mileage.
- Where is my bib and how can I print it out?
- See how to view race bibs HERE.
- How can I connect with other participants?
- Visit our Facebook Page (WINKS Challenge) to connect with other participants and share pics
- Do not forget to tag you posts with #WINKSChallenge
- Can I change my registration information - shipping address, shirt size, etc.?
- Yes, you can edit your registration information up until November 1st. HERE is the guide for making changes.
- To manage your registration, you can log in to your profile (via the user icon in the top right corner of the website).
- Once you log in you will want to click on your profile icon once more and click on PROFILE
- From there you can click "Manage Registration".
- To update your shipping address, click on "shipping"
- To create and/or join a team click on "teams"
- Yes, you can edit your registration information up until November 1st. HERE is the guide for making changes.
- If I register after the Challenge starts on October 15, 2020, can I include my back mileage?
- No. If you register before or on October 15th , your mileage begins on October 15th . If you register after October 15th , your mileage begins on the date you register.
- When is the last date to register for the WINKS Challenge?
- The last day to register is November 1st.
- Do treadmill and stationary bikes count?
- Yes. Activities can be performed outdoors or indoors.
- Do I have to choose to walk, run, or bike the 120 miles?
- You can choose to walk, run, or bike the entire 120 miles; however, you also have the option to combine walk, run, and/or bike. The choice is yours.
- Do I have to do the same number of miles each day, or can I break it up and do more on the weekends?
- You can run, walk, or bike as much or as little as you want on a given day. To earn your finisher's prize, you must finish you event by December 15, 2020.
- I am running in another race during the same period as the WINKS Challenge. Can I count those miles?
- Yes.
Organization Info
- How do I learn more about WINKS - With INtentional Kindness and Support?
- Please visit our website at https://winksbt.org/.
- How can I partner or volunteer with the organization?
- Contact Sam Hunter at shunter@winksfromgod.org.