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Semper Fi & America's Fund

Events and Fundraisers
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Team Fundraiser

2023 PTSD Century Hike - KS

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Raised of $500


Coming up Fast Century Hike KS

We have a route finalized:

Please consider making a small donation to support our Team as they conquer 100 miles next month!


Welcome to our fundraising TEAM! 

Join us as we raise funds and spread awareness for Semper Fi & America's Fund!

Semper Fi & America’s Fund cares for our nation’s critically wounded, ill, and injured service members, veterans, and military families. Supporting all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, we provide one-on-one case management, connection, and lifetime support. Today. Tomorrow. Together. 

About SEMPER FI & AMERICA’S FUND: Semper Fi & America’s Fund (The Fund) provides unique and innovative programs, which include immediate financial assistance, case management, connection, and lifetime support, to our nation's critically wounded, ill, and injured service members, veterans, and military families of all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. The Fund was created by a group of military spouses who saw the need for bedside support for wounded and injured service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and immediately offered assistance to their families. Today, those same military spouses lead an extended patriotic staff of veterans, community members, and volunteers who build relationships that last a lifetime — a unique model of care among veteran service organizations. 




Top Donors

$1,685 Raised By 23 Donors

$400 from Anonymous
$125 from Douglas Sauter
$100 from Anthony Certa
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from Anonymous
$100 from RONNIE & Vicki O’Donald
$100 from Anonymous
$50 in honor of Bugg
$50 from David Maxwell
$50 from Jon Gamble
$50 in honor of Laura Certa
$50 from Maria and Alina Barron
$50 from Mary jo Landingham
$50 in support of My sweet friend Natalie and her fellow warriors!
$50 from Pamela Barton
$50 from Peter Carruthers
$40 from Molly Suddarth
$25 from Dan Archuleta
$25 in support of Jennifer Sanders
$10 from Judith Clayton
$5 from Anonymous
$5 on behalf of Madeline Manzanet

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