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Base 2 Space

Sun September 28, 2025 Seattle, WA 98109 US

Fundraising Tips

Make it easy
Below are some fun and easy ways to encourage your family, friends, and co-workers to participate.

Start early and remind often
Send a note and drop reminders to friends and family between now and September 30!

Extend your reach
Groups to reach out to for recruitment include neighbors, clients, fellow alumni, community centers, faith organizations, salons, grocery stores, coffee shops and gyms.

Engage your colleagues
Use your company’s internal communication channels such as your intranet, newsletters, and lunchroom bulletin boards to send out information about Base 2 Space. Include the names of your colleagues climbing, your inspiration for doing so and a direct link to your personal Base 2 Space fundraising page. Also, you can request or promote an existing company match program to encourage your fellow colleagues to register. 

Keep in touch
Let your donors know how your training and fundraising is going. This can be a great way to keep your supporters engaged and interested in your progress.

Have fun
Organize a garage sale, create a video for social media, or throw a registration party!


Click below for a handy fundraising kit with tons of great resources and info. 

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


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