What is the date for Diploma Dash:
February 22, 2025
What time does the race start:
The race festival starts at 7 a.m., and the race kicks off at 8 a.m.
How will the race be timed and where can I see my results?
The race is timed through Chuck Score Timing. On the back of your bib, a chip starts your race and ends your race as you cross the finish line. Times will be posted live as you cross the finish line. You can also see the time results on ChuckScore.com after the race.
Will there be food/refreshments?
Yes! It's all complimentary. We have plenty of snacks, fruit, water, coffee, juice, and milk, and we even serve sausage wraps as a hot meal.
What are the rules for the beer stop?
Before racing, you can stop at the festival bar and show the bartenders your ID, proving you’re 21+. They’ll give you a wristband to get your drink at the beer stop.
Where can I park?
Parking is free, and you can park right out front of the Convocation Center. UTSA has one address for all of the campus, so you can search UTSA Convocation Center on your phone, and it will route you straight to where you need to go.
How much is it to register?
Click here for pricing.
Is the race refundable?
No, there will be no refunds for this event.
When/Where is the packet pickup?
Packet pick-up is on February 20 and 21 outside the Welcome Center on Main Campus. You can pick up your goodie bag, t-shirt, and bib number.
Where does the race start? Where does the race end?
The race starts and ends in front of the convocation center and is a complete loop around campus.
Can children participate?
There are no age restrictions. Children under 2 years old are free. Ages 3- 13 are $10. Ages 4-17 are $20
Are there any post-race celebrations or activities?
Yes, we will have an award ceremony, and our race camp will be open until 10 a.m. There will be plenty of vendors. Enjoy complimentary coffee, beer, and swag.
The shirt does not fit, can I get a different size?
Yes. At packet pick-up, you can request a different size. We give shirts out on a first-come, first-served basis.
Can I have my dog run with me?
Yes. We have a pup run for our furry friends. They’ll receive their own race bib. We have water bowls around the mile-and-a-half and two-mile marks, and the race camp also has water available.
Can I run with a stroller?
Can I pick up someone else's packet?
Yes. You’ll need to bring their confirmation page via print or screenshot.
Volunteer opportunities:
With such a large event, we have many volunteer opportunities. Please visit us at GivePulse.