Presenting Sponsors ($5000+)
Major Sponsors ($2,500+)

Dignity Health Medical Network

Izzy's Ices

Kaiser Permanente

Maui Gold Pineapples

Mick's Automotive

Ow Family Properties

Premier Sponsors ($1000+)

Anderson Christie Real Estate

Cabinet Town


Haselton, Haselton & Liddicoat LLP Jewelry

Kennolyn Camps

Lighthouse Realty

Meder Street Kitchen

S. Martinelli & Co

Moriarty's Roofing and Gutters, Inc

Mpress Digital

Superior Foods

Steve Landau Consulting

Swenson Builders

Whiting's Foods

Farrokh Billimoria

Andrew Chmyz

Gary Curtis

Roberta Dunton

Cathleen & Terry Eckhardt

Gary Gogol

Debbie Hale

Thomas House

John Justice

Dave & Mary Mello

Scott Player

Rick and Leanne Post

Carl E. Primavera

Dieter Ramaekers

Mariah and David Roberts

Derek Timm

Sara Wait

Wendy Young
Big Wheel Sponsors ($500+)

Care From The Heart In Home Care Services

K&D Landscaping

Mature Movement, LLC - Brian Parselle

Whaler's Car Wash

Eugene Alexeev

Jeanne Anderson

Val Cole

Coralie and Kermit Carraway

Lawrence Christensen

Jim Felich

Charles Flaniken

Sloane Griswold

Duane Howard

Marilyn Huffman

Lane & Pam Lawson

Robert Morse

Pat Parseghian

Larson Robinson

Sandy Shaw

Hal Stern
Spokes Sponsors ($250+)

APEX Adventures

Beach House Wealth Management

Cal-Sierra Pipe, LLC

Central Home Supply

eyeQ Optometry

Law Office of Emily J Buchbinder

Larry & Shannon Abitbol

Eleanor Cumming

Jim Cumming

Deb Dutra

Balicia Embernate

Kyle Fukuchi

Stephen Gibson

Trent Hein

Kathryn Hofstetter

Steve Kole

Matthew Lezin

Rachelle Lopp

Maura Noel

Louise Pahl

Gloria & David Pitagorsky

Jeffrey Sloss

Krista Snelling

Roger Swenson

Russ Stanley

Stephen Strong

James Thompson

Melodie Tsai

Jerry Ulrich