Sprint - Bike Course
The 13.5 mile course is quite fast with gentle rolling hills that travel through scenic Allerton Park. The ride starts at the Monticello Aquatic Center, travels West (left) out of the transition area on to Railroad St, then Southwest on to Allerton Road. Athletes will ride approximately 3 miles to the entrance to Allerton Park. Turn in to the entrance and enjoy a long downhill on very smooth pavement to the river, followed by a winding climb to Old Timber Rd (road ends – you can’t miss it). Turn left on Old Timber Rd to travel through the park to Sun Singer statue, ride the circular route around the statue, and return along the same route to the Monticello Aquatic Center. Note: this is not a closed course. Be aware of traffic and yield to vehicles. We have taken precautions to minimize traffic but it is not a closed course. Stay aware of your surroundings.
Always ride on your right. Drafting is not permitted. USAT rules regarding drafting and passing will be enforced. If you are unfamiliar with the USAT rules regarding race conduct, please review them in advance at https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Triathlon/About/Multisport/Competitive-Rules/Most-Common-Rules-Violations .