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Ride For A Cause 2025

October 11, 2025 Medford, OR 97501 US

2025 Courses


Utilizing the Bear Creek Greenway and the Main Street Bike Corridor, riders take Main Street to Summit Avenue through residential neighborhoods to Jackson School. The route then turns west on Jackson to North Ross Lane and Rogue X Community Complex for a Rest Stop. The Family Ride then returns to downtown on the same basic route to the Main Street Bike Corridor and the Bear Creek Greenway to the Finish Line.


Takes the same route as the 20-miler continuing past Dean Creek Road to Blackwell Road. After the Blackwell Road underpass, riders turn left (south) on Tolo Road to Scenic Road to Old Stage Road to the Jacksonville Rest Stop at Doc Griffith Park. After the Rest Stop this route takes South Stage Road to Bellinger Lane then through residential areas of Southwest Medford joining the 7 mile route on the Main Street Bike Corridor and Bear Creek Greenway to the Finish Line.


Takes the Bear Creek Greenway north to Railroad Park crossing Table Rock Road on Berrydale then winds northwest through residential neighborhoods crossing Hwy. 99 on Beall Lane. Riders continue through farmlands to Scenic Avenue and Tolo Road to the Rest Stop at Willow Springs School. Staying on Willow Springs Road East to Hwy. 99 the riders turn north over I-5 to Dean Creek Road, where they join the Bear Creek Greenway south to downtown Medford and the Finish Line.


Takes the same route as 30-miler continuing past the Tolo Road turnoff on Blackwell Road continuing to a Rest Stop at the Gold Hill County Fire Station on Old Stage Road. From the Gold Hill Rest Stop riders head to Jacksonville’s Doc Griffith Park for a Rest Stop. From Jacksonville this route goes East on South Stage Road through the hills of south Medford to Carpenter Hill Road then across Hwy. 99 to the Bear Creek Greenway to downtown Medford and the Finish Line.


Takes the same route as the 43-miler to the Jacksonville Rest Stop to charge up for the “hills” section. From Doc Griffith Park the “Metric Century” ride proceeds up Cady Road to Sterling Creek Road then East on Poormans Creek Road and West Griffin Creek Road to a Rest Stop on Pioneer Road. The route then takes Pioneer Road South to Dark Hollow Road looping back to the same Rest Stop on Pioneer Road. Proceeding East, the riders take Carpenter Hill Road, Coleman Creek Road, and Pioneer Road to Colver Road. Continuing East across I-5 on Sunrise Road, to a final Rest Stop at Million Thai restaurant, the riders then cruise through the farmlands East of I-5 finishing on the Bear Creek Greenway to downtown Medford and the Finish Line.

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