How to Sponsor?
Nora Partner | $1,500.00 (3 available)
- includes banner displayed at Nora for the week of Norathon and Bonfire
- logo highlighted in schoolwide communication around Norathon (including Facebook/Instagram)
- Sponsor name on Norathon tshirts
- access to kids Norathon packet (flyer/coupon)
- your logo and website linked right here on
Nora Elite | $1,000.00 (8 available)
- logo highlighted in schoolwide communication around Norathon (including Facebook/Instagram)
- Sponsor name on Norathon tshirts
- access to kids Norathon packet (flyer/coupon)
- your logo and website linked right here on
Nora Friend | $500.00 (10 available)
- Sponsor name on Norathon tshirts
- access to kids Norathon packet (flyer/coupon)
- your logo and website linked right here on
Ready to Sponsor - Click Here to create account and select your sponsor level
OR scan here:
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.