Pace Group Definitions
Important Info for Selecting Pace Group
What do all the letters and numbers mean?
No Boundaries is run on out-and-back courses with a few coaches sprinkled in the group. We start each session with more walking and less running. As the session progresses the running intervals increase and walking decreases. We also offer a walking group with no run intervals.
NB1: 11-12:30 mpm R.5W4.5, R3W1
Start out running for 30 seconds and walking 4.5 minutes with the running pace being 11-12:30 mpm (miles per minute). The walking pace should be between 16-18mpm. At the end of the session you would be running 3 minutes, walking 1 minute intervals.
NB2: 12:30-14 mpm R.5W4.5,R3W1
Start out running for 30 seconds and walking 4.5 minutes with the running pace being 12:30-14 mpm (miles per minute). The walking pace should be between 16-18mpm. At the end of the session you would be running 3 minutes, walking 1 minute intervals.
NB3: 14-15:30 mpm R.5W4.5,R3W1
Start out running for 30 seconds and walking 4.5 minutes with the running pace being 14-15:30 mpm (miles per minute). The walking pace should be between 16-18mpm. At the end of the session you would be running 3 minutes, walking 1 minute intervals.
WALK: Walks 16-20 minutes per mile all session, no run intervals