Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to questions that are frequently asked:
Q1 - Can I sign-up my friends and colleagues, too?
A1- Yes, you may register yourself and your running partners at the same time. You can participate in the same event or choose to run courses of a different length. Depending on how many persons you register, you may be eligible for a discounted registration fee.
Q2 - I lost my coupon code for the 2020 package that I signed-up for. How do I register?
A2 - You will receive a reserved reservation email for the 2025 events and please use the link in that message to conveniently register. Only those persons who signed up in 2020 for the Lifetime Challenge will receive this reservation email. Contact us if you misplace the reserved registration email sent in early 2025 or need assistance in applying your reserved registration.
Q3 - How do I select the jersey for my multiple participants?
A3 - When you register multiple participants in a single registration session, you'll need to select the giveaway and the desired size / style for each of the participants. During the sign-up process, you will be prompted for a giveaway for each person. You can differentiate sizes, for example by selecting a large for yourself and an extra-large for your fellow participant. If you'd like additional jerseys, these can be ordered as an add-on to your registration. You can also do so in the Mt. Baldhead Challenge Race Store at any time without registering for an event. You can always come back later, too, and order additional clothing items from the Store.
Q4 - When may I signup using my Lifetime Challenge package?
A4 - During January 2025, an email with a reserved entry link be sent to you announcing this. For this year's registration periods and by using the link to register, you will incur no additional fee when registering for the 2025 race and you will be provided priority in registration. If you are not able to register right away, that's okay. We've reserved a spot for you. Just register as soon as you are able.
Q5 - Why do I need to register again for the race in September 2025?
A5 - We need to know how many participants will be running over the dunes and trails to ensure we prepare for the best experience for all those participating. This is important for setting safety protocols, course control, water stations and making sure we have sufficient volunteers to assist the runners. We also need to verify who is actually running, their age, their conditions, and which course they intend to run.
Q6 - When will I receive the packet & clothing for the event that I signed-up for? What about Store purchases?
A6 - All shipments to registrants will be mailed no later than August 27th to the shipping address provided during sign-up. Please ensure that the shipping address entered is accurate. Registrations received after August 20th will require the participant to physically pick-up their items on the designated packet-pick-up dates.
The US Postal Service will be delivering your shipment. Generally, you will receive one package that combines both event items and Store purchases if applicable. If the shipment is too large (Thank You!) it may be split into multiple packages for ease of shipment.
Q7 - How do I claim my deferred 2024 registration?
A7 - You first need to access your RunSignUp profile created in 2024 or when you registered for prior years' races. Once you have accessed your profile, you will find a deferral tab. Open that tab and click on the "Complete Deferral" link. After clicking on that you will be taken to the Race page with information about your prior year deferral. Click on the "Start Transfer" button to complete the process and transfer into this year's race event. You will need to verify your information and make sure clothing selections are as desired. The amount paid during 2024 will be applied, but there may remain a balance owed depending on the event pricing at the time during which you register.