Shark's Tooth 10K Course
The Shark's Tooth 10K course is a flat fast course, just a few turns and some areas and bollards to slow you down! Off the Festival Grounds, you'll remain on Airport Avenue (please stay to the LEFT!) until turning left onto Harbor Drive for a scenic run down Harbor Dr to Caspersen Beach Park, through the bollards, along the path then a loop on a packed jeep trail, back onto the paths, over a pedestrian bridge with more bollards on each end, then onto the Venetian Waterway Park to head north back to the Festival Grounds, off the Venetian Waterway Trail at the Airport Ave. trailhead through bollards, and returning to the Finish Line on the Festival Grounds.
Hurricane Course Update Caspersen Beach is not useable, please see the new map for the 10K only. The 5K is the same.
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