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Sun March 16, 2025 Augusta, MI 49012 US Directions


Wave 0 (7:05am)

$25 7:05AM EDT - 10:20AM EDT
1 spot left. Registration ends March 15, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT

Wave 1 (7:30 am)

$25 7:30AM EDT - 8:15AM EDT
Sorry! This event is full. Registration ends March 14, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Open to ages 8 - 100.

Wave 2 (7:55 am)

$25 7:55AM EDT - 8:40AM EDT
Sorry! This event is full. Registration ends March 14, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Open to ages 8 - 100.

Wave 3 (8:20 am)

$25 8:20AM EDT - 9:05AM EDT
Sorry! This event is full. Registration ends March 14, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Open to ages 8 - 100.

Wave 4 (8:45 am)

$25 8:45AM EDT - 9:30AM EDT
Sorry! This event is full. Registration ends March 14, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Open to ages 8 - 100.

Wave 5 (9:10 am)

$25 9:10AM EDT - 9:55AM EDT
Sorry! This event is full. Registration ends March 14, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Open to ages 8 - 100.

Wave 6 (9:35 am)

$25 9:35AM EDT - 10:20AM EDT
Sorry! This event is full. Registration ends March 14, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Open to ages 8 - 100.


Sherman Lake YMCA Outdoor Center
6225 North 39th Street
Augusta, MI US 49012


The Aqua Dash returns for 2025! The Aqua Dash is a 20-minute indoor swim followed by a 20-minute run on treadmills. For the experienced triathlete, the Aqua Dash is a great complement to your off-season triathlon training, providing you with an opportunity to test your skills. It is also the perfect event for those new to multi-sport events; offering an exciting, encouraging, and non-intimidating environment. 

The event will be organized in waves of 6 participants. The first wave will begin at 7:30 am, with the following waves beginning every 25 minutes. At your designated start time, you will begin with a 20-minute swim in our indoor pool. After the swim, run to the finish line with 20 minutes on the treadmills.

You are allowed 5 minutes to transition from the pool to the treadmill.

Enjoy a pancake breakfast in the Markham Room after the event! The awards ceremony will begin as soon as the final wave has been completed.

Swim: swimming suit, goggles, swim cap, towel
Run: run apparel, socks, running shoes
Optional: shower items and/or change of clothes for after the event

Registered participants of the Aqua Dash receive an event t-shirt, post-event Pancake Breakfast, and use of the Sherman Lake YMCA on the day of the event.

Event t-shirts can only be guaranteed for those who register by February 23, 2025.

Race Contact Info

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