JOIN US for the 14th Annual DAFFODIL DASH: Sunday, March 30, 2025 at 9:00am
The Daffodil Dash is a Run/Walk/Bike/Exercise in memory of the 1.5 million children who perished in the Holocaust and in support for children suffering in the face of genocide and other humanitarian crises in the world today. The Daffodil Dash raises awareness and funds for Holocaust Education and Genocide Awareness. Proceeds benefit Am Yisrael Chai!, a non profit Holocaust Education and Awareness organization, as well as the “Kids for Kids”, “Raising South Sudan” and “Agahozo Shalom”, organizations helping children and families in remote villages in Darfur, South Sudan and Rwanda. The race also supports the Atlanta Holocaust Survivor fund, providing medical, dental and home care for Holocaust survivors, and the Jewish Federation of Atlanta Israel support Fund.
The Daffodil Dash also supports refugees by donating to assist children and families in need. Please bring new or gently used items of clothing, towels, linens, blankets, medical supplies and non-perishable packaged foods that we will collect at the race and donate to the efforts to support refugees.
The race has in-person and virtual options. For the virtual, you can sign up to run, walk, bike or exercise from anywhere,
anytime between March 7 and March 30, 2025, or join us for the in-person event on Sunday March 30, 2025 at Brook Run Park.
Brook Run Park: 4770 N. Peachtree Rd, Dunwoody, GA, 30338
Registration: 8:00am. 5K start time: 9:00am. 1K start time: 9:10am
Parking available in Brook Run Park with overflow parking at Peachtree Middle School; If using a stroller, please keep to the right and yield to other participants. Per USATF guidelines, no pets allowed.
Early Bib pick up: Big Peach Running Store - Brookhaven on Friday March 28th from 12:00 noon - 2pm; otherwise pick up at Brook Run Park on race day.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
5K Route Map