FAQ + General Information
The 2023 ALC has passed! Thanks so much for making the conference a success! Be sure to follow us on social media for information regarding the next ALC!
Are kids welcome?
Yes! Kids under 13 attend for free but we ask everyone who is 13 and over to fill out the registration form.
Will there be child care or companion animal care?
We will not be able to provide child or companion animal care during the conference this year.
Where do I find housing during the ALC?
Housing is NOT covered in your event registration. Many activists in past conferences have booked Air BnB or hotels with one another. To help facilitate collaboration between conference attendees, we have set up a Facebook group for everyone to coordinate housing. Our organizing team will be offering suggestions to local hotels, AirBnB rentals, local transportation and more!
All arrangements made with other participants are done so independently of ALC and the organizing team.
What should I bring?
While compostable plates and cups will be provided, we strongly encourage everyone to bring their own reusable water bottle, coffee mug, container for food, etc! We also encourage everyone to bring a notebook and pens so you can take notes during the workshops. Parts of the conference will be indoors, but other parts, like the Animal Liberation March will be outdoors so bring whatever you need such as sunscreen and comfortable walking shoes.
General Information:
- Download the ALC app to receive exclusive real-time updates and announcements. It will also be a convenient way to access all of the information contained within this program, including viewing the schedule and getting directions to event locations. All conference attendees are strongly encouraged to download the app at DxE.io/app.
- In an effort to make the event as comfortable as possible for everyone we ask that people not use strong perfumes or colognes, as some people are very sensitive to smells and get headaches.
- In order to maintain a safe and empowering space for everyone, all conference attendees are required to uphold DxE’s code of conduct. Failure to do so may lead to consequences, including removal from the conference.
ALC 2023 will take place in various venues. Below are addresses of key locations
- ASUC Martin Luther King Building on the UC Berkeley campus: 2495 Bancroft Way, Berkeley West Pauley Ballroom, East Pauley Ballroom, Kerr Lobby, Tilden Room, and Stephens Room are all located inside the MLK Building
- Berkeley Animal Rights Center - Campus (ARC Campus): 2425 Channing Way, Berkeley
- Dolores Park: Dolores St & 19th St, San Francisco, CA 94114*
- Proxy: 432 Octavia St, San Francisco
Walking directions from the ASUC Building to ARC Campus:
- When you exit the ASUC building take a right towards Bancroft and Telegraph
- Walk straight down Telegraph Ave for two blocks
- Take a right on Channing Way
- On your right will be a walkway through the Telegraph-Channing Garage building with storefronts on both sides
- You will see the Berkeley Animal Rights Center - Campus on your left
*We are going to Dolores Park on Saturday of the ALC to meet for the Animal Liberation March. We strongly encourage everyone to take public transit/BART to the meeting location. If you're BARTing you must have a Clipper Card (which you can buy at the station) or download the Clipper Card app on your phone. The 16th St Mission station is closest to the park where we'll meet. If you are driving, there is public parking around the park but it can be hard to find a spot. Do not leave anything in your car, especially anything of value, but even items of no value could be enough for someone to break the window.