Refund Policy
Refund Policy - If for any reason (Covid, illness, travel, etc.) a camper is unable to attend camp, we will work with the registered camper to offer a transfer or deferment to the next camp season. If neither of those options works, a refund (minus the processing fees) will be issued up to 2 weeks prior to the start of the camp session. We will begin working immediately to fill that spot from our waitlist or the website (if capacity allows).
*Once we are within the 2-week time frame of a camp session, we are unable to offer a refund except in cases of medical emergency or urgency (such as Covid, flu, strep, etc). A doctor's note may be required to process the refund. Our goal is to not penalize unavoidable illness but to allow our staff enough time to fill vacated spots as many of our weeks have waitlists with campers eager to participate!
PLEASE help us remain open and provide a safe environment for our staff and campers by ONLY sending healthy campers.