Why we need your support...

R2E offers BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ Leaders the space and the tools to learn how to embrace their identity markers to optimize their impact on student learning outcomes, particularly in historically marginalized and rural communities.
Ultimately, we envision all BIPOC LGBTQIA+ Leaders embracing their identity markers as an asset, not a liability, to authentically lead with their “full self” as out and proud!
Please join us in elevating BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ Leaders by making a tax-deductible contribution to our efforts:
$2,200 provides a financial capacity-building stipend (scholarship) to 2 participants in our R2E leadership development (Embracing Your Identity Markers) program. This includes one-on-one mentoring sessions.
$850 provides a financial capacity-building stipend (scholarship) to 1 participant in our R2E leadership development (Embracing Your Identity Markers) program.
$425.00 enables a BIPOC LGBTQIA+ leader to attend our virtual leadership development community building and sustainability workshop.
$250 enables a BIPOC LGBTQIA+ leader to receive a one-on-one executive coaching session.
$200 enables a BIPOC LGBTQIA+ leader to support an aspiring education leader in a local Grow-Your-Own teacher/leader pathway program.
$100 contributes to the technical support needed to host high-quality virtual offerings.