About Centro SOL
Centro SOL’s mission is to promote equity in Health/Salud and Opportunity for Latinos by advancing clinical care, research, education, and advocacy at Johns Hopkins and beyond in active partnership with our Latino neighbors. Our vision is that all Latinos receive culturally competent healthcare that acknowledges the diversity of the community and respects the dignity of everyone. Our team has been supporting our community with translational and community-informed programming and on the frontlines addressing the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 in the Latino community. We work in multiple areas, from youth pathways mentoring and tutoring, maternal health, depression prevention, and treatment, immunizations in collaboration with the health departments, public health education, to food access through partnerships with faith- and community-based organizations, Centro SOL worked endlessly to assist the Latino community in Baltimore City.
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How You Can Help
Centro SOL serves the Latino population of children and families with a range of healthcare resources, research, education, advocacy, and other needs. Many of these families face the detrimental effects of the lack of equitable healthcare, resources, and opportunities in our communities. As our population is expanding and growing, we need solutions to build a strong and sturdy infrastructure that will last for years to come. Many individuals and families are uninsured patients in need of essential medical testing, essential medical care, or have lost their jobs and now need access to food, and programs to support them to pursue happiness.
Centro SOL needs your support to fill the gaps between public assistance programs and the needs of the community!
Help Us Reach our Goal!
Raised of $100,000

Charitable gifts made to The Johns Hopkins University or The Johns Hopkins Hospital are subject to policies as approved by its Board of Trustees. Your gift is tax-deductible in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code. Documents filed in accordance with the Maryland Charitable Organizations Act may be obtained from the Maryland Secretary of State. Financial and other information about Johns Hopkins can be obtained by contacting Institutional Donor Relations at 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-2696 or 410-516-2832.
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