1. RunSignup
  2. API
  3. Methods
  4. Add or Edit Coupon

Add or Edit Coupon

Call this API method to add or edit coupons. If the coupon_id parameter is null, a new coupon is added. This API is limited to 100 coupons per request. Coupons shared between races cannot be edited using the API. The API returns a list of coupon ids added or edited.

Field Description
coupon_id Coupon ID if editing.
discount_type “O” for an Overall Discount, “R” for a Discount per Registrant or “E” for a Discount per Registrant per Event.
start_date Date/time (Eastern Time) the coupon takes effect.
end_date Optional Date/time (Eastern Time) the coupon takes effect.
Applicable Fees
applies_to_race_fee Does the discount apply to registration?
exclude_event_cost Should the event cost be excluded from the discount amount? (Only applicable if applies_to_race_fee is “T”)
applies_to_giveaway Does the discount apply to giveaway pricing? (Only applicable if applies_to_race_fee is “T”)
applies_to_addons Does the discount apply to add-ons? (Only applicable if applies_to_race_fee is “T”)
applies_to_club_membership_discounts Does the discount apply to events where the registrant is taking a club membership discount? (Only applicable if applies_to_race_fee is “T”)
applies_to_race_memberships Does the discount apply to events where the registrant is taking a race membership discount? (Only applicable if applies_to_race_fee is “T”)
applies_to_group_setup_fees Does the fee apply to group/team setup fees? (Only applicable if applies_to_race_fee is “T”)
applies_to_group_special_event_costs Does the discount apply to events where the registrant is using special group/team event pricing? (Only applicable if applies_to_race_fee is “T”)
applies_to_age_based_pricing Does the discount apply to events where the registrant is taking age-based pricing? (Only applicable if applies_to_race_fee is “T”)
applies_to_multi_person_pricing Does the discount apply to events where the registrant is using multi-person pricing? (Only applicable if applies_to_race_fee is “T”)
applies_to_extra_fee Does the discount apply to extra fees? (Only applicable if applies_to_race_fee is “T”)
applies_with_multi_event_discount Does the discount apply to registrations that used multi-event discounts?
applies_to_shipping_charges Does the discount apply to shipping charges?
applies_to_store Does the discount apply to the store?
Usage Restrictions
new_customer_only Does the discount only apply to new participants in the race?
minimum_amount_in_cents Minimum amount (determined by the fees that can be discounted according to the rules above) that the coupon can be used for.
minimum_donation_amount_in_cents Minimum donation amount required to use the coupon.
limit_per_customer Optional limit on the number of times a single customer can use the coupon.
max_uses Optional limit on maximum number of use of the coupon. Note that one use might include multiple registrations.
max_num_race_registrants Optional limit on maximum number of registrations to use the coupon.
max_events_per_registration Optional limit on maximum number of events registrations per transaction that use the coupon.
event_specific Does the coupon only apply to certain events?
applicable_event_ids If the coupon only applys to certain events, list of event IDs that if applies to?
Coupon Management Fields
coupon_notes Optional notes about the coupon.
tags Optional tags for the coupon. A tag may not contain spaces.

For JSON requests, the request should look like the example below.

	"coupons": [
			"coupon_id": null,
			"coupon_code": "abc",
			"percentage": 25,
			"fixed_discount_in_cents": 0,
			"discount_type": "O",
			"start_date": "2015-01-01 00:00:00",
			"end_date": "2015-01-31 23:59:59",
			"applies_to_race_fee": "T",
			"exclude_event_cost": "F",
			"applies_to_giveaway": "F",
			"applies_to_addons": "F",
			"applies_to_club_membership_discounts": "F",
			"applies_to_race_memberships": "F",
			"applies_to_group_setup_fees": "F",
			"applies_to_group_special_event_costs": "F",
			"applies_to_age_based_pricing": "F",
			"applies_to_multi_person_pricing": "F",
			"applies_to_extra_fee": "F",
			"applies_with_multi_event_discount": "F",
			"applies_to_shipping_charges": "F",
			"applies_to_store": "F",
			"new_customer_only": "F",
			"minimum_amount_in_cents": 2000,
			"minimum_donation_amount_in_cents": 500,
			"limit_per_customer": 1,
			"max_uses": 10,
			"max_num_race_registrants": 10,
			"max_events_per_registration": 2,
			"event_specific": "F",
			"applicable_event_ids": [],
			"coupon_notes": null,
			"tags": []
			"coupon_id": 12345,
			"coupon_code": "xyz",
			"percentage": null,
			"fixed_discount_in_cents": 500,
			"discount_type": "O",
			"start_date": "2015-01-01 00:00:00",
			"end_date": null,
			"applies_to_race_fee": "T",
			"exclude_event_cost": "F",
			"applies_to_giveaway": "F",
			"applies_to_addons": "F",
			"applies_to_club_membership_discounts": "F",
			"applies_to_race_memberships": "F",
			"applies_to_group_setup_fees": "F",
			"applies_to_group_special_event_costs": "F",
			"applies_to_age_based_pricing": "F",
			"applies_to_multi_person_pricing": "F",
			"applies_to_extra_fee": "F",
			"applies_with_multi_event_discount": "F",
			"applies_to_shipping_charges": "F",
			"applies_to_store": "F",
			"new_customer_only": "T",
			"minimum_amount_in_cents": 0,
			"minimum_donation_amount_in_cents": null,
			"limit_per_customer": null,
			"max_uses": null,
			"max_num_race_registrants": null,
			"max_events_per_registration": null,
			"event_specific": "T",
			"applicable_event_ids": [123,456],
			"coupon_notes": "This coupons only applies to certain events.",
			"tags": ["tag1", "tag2"]

For XML requests, the request should look like the example below.

		<start_date>2015-01-01 00:00:00</start_date>
		<end_date>2015-01-31 23:59:59</end_date>
		<start_date>2015-01-01 00:00:00</start_date>
		<coupon_notes>This coupons only applies to certain events.</coupon_notes>



HTTP Method


Standard Parameters

Parameter HTTP Method Default Description Datatype
api_key GET API Key string
api_secret GET API Secret string
tmp_key GET Temporary API Key from login API call. This should NOT be used in combination with API Key. string
tmp_secret GET Temporary API Secret from login API call. This should NOT be used in combination with API Secret. string
rsu_api_key GET API v2 key. If used, you must send the API secret in an HTTP header named X-RSU-API-SECRET. string
sp_api_key GET Super partner API key. If used, you must send the API secret in an HTTP header named X-RSU-API-SECRET. string
X-RSU-API-SECRET HTTP Header API v2 or super partner secret. string
format GET xml Format of response. The default if not sent is `xml`, but `json` is preferred. format


Parameter HTTP Method Default Description Datatype
POST ID of race. uint
request_format POST xml Format of request. The default if not sent is `xml`, but `json` is preferred. format
POST Request in proper format. string

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