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Team Fundraiser

Matthews Family Fundraiser
Help us meet our fundraising goal to give back to Children's Home Society of Virginia

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Current Team Members:


Raised of $5,000



Pat and Ruth Matthews adopted their son Alston with the help of CHS. The training they received has been invaluable in helping the family thrive. Now they want to give back to CHS by taking on the Go the Distance Challenge.  You can support their efforts by donating to CHS here through their Fundraising Team page or by signing up to accept your own challenge and joining their Fundraising Team! Help the Matthews family Go the distance for CHS.

Children's Home Society of Virginia has been going the distance, creating permanency for Virginia’s at-risk children and youth for over 120 years. I'm fundraising  through this event in order to help them continue for the next 120 years - finding adoptive families for children and youth in foster care, supporting those families as well as supporting youth who have aged out of foster care without a permanent family.

Your donation toward our fundraising goal will truly make a difference for the children, youth and families of Virginia!

Top Donors

$775 Raised By 5 Donors

$300 on behalf of Debbie Stocks
$250 on behalf of Virginia Commonwealth Corporation
$100 on behalf of Pam Hervey
$75 in honor of Colton H. , adopted 30+ years ago.
$50 on behalf of Steve & Donna Chrislip

Matthews Family Fundraiser Team Members


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