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Pedal the Cause

September 20 - 21, 2025

Jean McDonald
Jean rides to end cancer

Fundraiser Login
Lifetime Donations:
Fundraiser for:
14 Years
Big Hitter


Raised of $2,500


Riding for my heroes that didn't let cancer stop them!

I have been riding for 14 years and every year I learn more and more about the research projects that Pedal the Cause has funded by this cycling challenge and I’m inspired even more to make an impact in the fight to stop cancer!

On September 22nd I plan to ride and have committed to Yellow Jersey fundraising level, this means I need your help in the form of a donation.  What is really important to know is that 100% yes 100% of your donation will stay in St. Lous and benefit cancer research at Siteman Cancer Center and Siteman Kids.  

I lost my mom to cancer way too early in both of our lives and my dad a little over a year and half ago, they both fought the fight, but cancer unfortunately won.  My mother-in-law Barb put cancer in its place along with my sister-in-law Karen.  They are all my heroes and is why I ride and for everyone else fighting the fight.

My ask to you is please consider donating to my ride and I will ride with a big smile on my face knowing that you are helping me fund more cancer research to one day live in a world without cancer.

With gratitude


Check Donations- Please make the check payable to Pedal the Cause and mail the check to CIBC c/o Pedal the Cause 8410 Solutions Center Chicago, IL 60677-8004 with the fundraiser name in the memo line.

Stock donations and Donor-Advised Fund- When processing a DAF grant through a charitable giving account, search for the Pedal the Cause by tax ID (27-2233336). In the “notes” section, indicate the Pedal the Cause fundraiser you want to support.

*Once the check is received Pedal the Cause will post the check to your profile. Please note it typically takes 10-14 days to post.


Top Donors

$100 Raised By 1 Donor

$100 Donor Name Jean McDonald

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