My Mom, Melanie Lynn Estrada, for years has unknowingly struggled, like most, with IC. However, as of 2015, she has been diagnosed with the rarest form "End Stage IC," also known as "Hunner's Ulcers" which is only found in 5% of patients. In addition, this stage of IC comes with PinPoint Hemorrhaging with Glomerulations and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. Yet with all of the painful impacts IC has had on her body, she has still remained a consistent support system for me, allowing me to reach all of my goals! Therefore, when I created a sustainable upcycling clothing line (Estrada's Upcycled Apparel) I knew that the ICA would be one of the nonprofits I would be donating a percentage of my proceeds to! So join EUA by donating whatever you can to this amazing organization that is looking to raise awareness and improve the quality of healthcare and the lives of the millions of people suffering from IC, one of which just happens to be my mom! Thank you!