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Travel With Bakari

Wed April 14 - Tue May 4 Centro, OAX 951 MX


González Orteaga 205-A
Centro, OAX MX 951


Our virtual trip to Mexico will be a wonderful time to gather with old friends and new as we reaffirm The Bakari Foundation's (TBF) mission in honor of the legacy of our beloved Bakari.

The April 13 travel tour will be led by Matt Phelan, a member of the founding family of Cat Tequila. Matt will provide a unique perspective of beautiful Oaxaca, Mexico where the tequila is produced. He will discuss the fascinating production process of their tequila and share family hand-crafted recipes to enjoy during the event. You will also hear heartwarming stories from our new Transformative Travel Experience families and get all the details for the 21-day Activity Tour that will kick off the next day.

The 21-day Activity Tour gives you the opportunity to participate in a special virtual tour of more breath-taking locations across Mexico, April 14 through May 4, as you venture through your activity mileage. Choose your mode of travel - walk, run, bike, or swim - or mix it up. There are five locations to choose from based on personalized goals. Winners will be announced on Cinco de Mayo. 

Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook @thebakarifoundation. ~ Muchas Gracias!

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