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2025 CACNA1A 5K

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Saturday May 3, 2025 - Sunday May 4, 2025


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Celebrating 5 Years Serving Our Families! The CACNA1A Foundation was established 5 years ago by parents of children affected by the debilitating impacts of CACNA1A-related disorders. The disorders cause a range of symptoms, including developmental delays, intellectual disability, behavioral issues, seizures, epilepsy, movement disorders, autism, hemiplegic migraines (stroke-like events), and speech difficulties, all of which significantly reduce quality of life. As the only patient advocacy group dedicated to finding specific treatments for this community, our work focuses on 3 core pillars: supporting families, raising awareness, and advancing research toward a cure.

Your generous participation in our 5th Annual 5K will directly contribute to this year's goal of raising $100,000 to identify and test medications that can alleviate symptoms and enhance the quality of life for our community. Each dollar raised brings those impacted one step closer to a brighter future.

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