Register For
2025 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama Kids Marathon

Birmingham, AL 35242

Registrant #1

Login with your GiveSignup account.

This will be the password for your GiveSignup account.
Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Used for age group calculations
Valid formats include: 000-000-0000 or 0000000000

Choose Your Event(s) *

$35.00 Event Fee + $3.10 SignUp Fee
Open to ages 5 - 13.


LIABILITY WAIVER AND RACE AGREEMENT: I know that running or walking a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I will not enter and run or walk unless I am medically able to do so and properly trained. I assume all risks associated with running or walking this event, including but not limited to the effects of weather, traffic, course conditions and course surfaces, falls, and contact with other runners, volunteers and spectators. I am aware that medical support for this event will be provided by volunteer personnel who may be called upon to provide assistance, including first aid, to me during or after the event. I authorize any such volunteer to assist me or to perform such assistance as in the opinion of such person may be necessary or appropriate. I understand that Birmingham Marathon, Inc., The BCBSAL Kids Marathon, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama, The Trak Shak, the City of Birmingham, the City of Hoover, RunSignUp, the volunteers, Birmingham Events and all others assisting in the operations of the event and its supporting and related activities assume no responsibility or liability with respect to my participation in the run or in any related events. I agree to obey and accept the rules of this race and any related events as published or otherwise made known to me, and to abide by the decision of any race official concerning my ability to safely complete the event. Having read this waiver and release, and knowing these facts, and in consideration of the acceptance of my entry, I for myself and any person entitled to act on my behalf do hereby release BMI, BE, The BCBCAL Kids Marathon, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama, The Trak Shak, the City of Birmingham, the City of Hoover, RunSignUp, all sponsors, volunteers, together with their employees, contractors, subcontractors, directors, officers, agents, attorneys and representatives from all claims of liabilities of any kind or character arising from my participation in this event or in any related activity, even though liability may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of persons or organizations named in this waiver and release. I consent to the use of photographs, video, film and sound recordings of all Marathon events for all legitimate purposes. I give permission to be contacted by interested media.

Due to the upfront nature of event costs, we have a uniform policy of no refunds, transfers or deferrals to a future year. We know that plans change and unexpected things come up, but we feel it is most fair to apply a uniform policy to all, instead of an arbitrary line of who merits a refund and who doesn't. Thank you for your understanding.

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