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Navigating Health Through Wellness

Donation Goal: $100,000

Since 2001, WeSPARK Cancer Support Center has provided free programs and services to help enhance the quality of life for cancer patients, survivors and their loved ones. These programs & services alleviate the physical and emotional side effects of a cancer diagnosis.  Please consider making a donation directly to WeSPARK or to one of this year's Fundraisers. Your donation directly supports WeSPARK's mission. Thank you!

If you would like to make an offline donation, you can send a check to WeSPARK Cancer Support Center 14724 Ventura Blvd, Suite 101, Sherman Oaks CA 91403. You may also call our Director of Development, Marlene McGuirt at 818.906.3009 and we can process your credit card over the phone. Thank you for your support!


Raised of $100,000


Top Donors

$91,733 Raised By 524 Donors

$10,000 On Behalf Of Robert & Susan Bryar
$2,500 On Behalf Of Justin & Suzanne Kamenir Krane
$2,500 On Behalf Of Pristine Home Health Care
$2,500 On Behalf Of Trinity Health Services
$2,500 on behalf of Valley Carpet One
$2,000 On Behalf Of Ted Tayenaka
$1,500 on behalf of RUBEN BLADES
$1,500 On Behalf Of Simplistic Foundation
$1,000 On Behalf Of Arlene & Frank Balkin
$1,000 On Behalf Of Elizabeth Yamauchi
$1,000 On Behalf Of Glenn Miyagishima
$1,000 On Behalf Of Julie Shames
$1,000 On Behalf Of Marty I Pompadur
$1,000 from Anonymous
$1,000 on behalf of RK Industries Group
$1,000 in memory of Sandra Yates-Thompson
$1,000 on behalf of Sharlene Miyagishima
$1,000 in honor of Steve Glodney
$1,000 in honor of Steve Glodney
$1,000 On Behalf Of The Neuhar Family Foundation
$618 in support of Valley Carpet One: Matching Donations
$500 On Behalf Of Amgen / Yerby Family
$500 on behalf of Cherie and Fred
$500 on behalf of Chuck & Adell
$500 in honor of Danielle Prunier
$500 in memory of Dionne Lea Williams
$500 in memory of Henry Sokol
$500 on behalf of Jessica Yim
$500 on behalf of Kathleen Chalfant
$500 on behalf of Lee CHEMEL
$500 on behalf of Marianne Muellerleile
$500 on behalf of Mark Boyer
$500 on behalf of Matt & Maryann Siegel
$500 on behalf of Mercedes Mason
$500 On Behalf Of Michael Ronald Glodney & Carole Glodney
$500 On Behalf Of Michael Roston & Ruth Ko
$500 from Anonymous
$500 on behalf of Noel Igauye
$500 On Behalf Of Raymond Lee Zager, Denise Zager, Gary Zager, Ruth Rosenberg
$500 on behalf of Rick & Ira
$500 in honor of Ruth Rosenberg & Lynnanne Zager
$500 on behalf of Sidney Hamburg
$500 on behalf of SYNCIS
$500 on behalf of William Rouse
$360 in honor of Sharlene Miyagishima
$350 in honor of My Mom Ann Perrin
$300 On Behalf Of Barbara and Marty Kaplan
$300 on behalf of Etzion Ben Natan
$300 on behalf of Kris Vaz
$300 in memory of Rubin and Beverly
$250 on behalf of Alan Ein
$250 in honor of Arthur Toretzky
$250 on behalf of Blake Grimsley
$250 in honor of Bob Bryar
$250 on behalf of Bradley Greenquist
$250 on behalf of Constance Manders
$250 on behalf of Daniel Martin
$250 on behalf of Daren Palacios
$250 on behalf of Elena & Drew Zager
$250 on behalf of GB Soccer School
$250 on behalf of Granville Van Dusen
$250 On Behalf Of Gregory & Paula Moore
$250 on behalf of H. Brandon Woods
$250 on behalf of Helen Giroux
$250 on behalf of Howard Cahn
$250 on behalf of Huib Jansen and Roy Myrick
$250 on behalf of Jason Hing
$250 On Behalf Of Jeanne & Robert Sherwin Charitable Fund
$250 on behalf of John Potter
$250 on behalf of John Vidovich
$250 in honor of Joseph Smith
$250 in memory of Joyce Meadville
$250 in memory of June Matsuno
$250 on behalf of Kathy Hodak
$250 on behalf of Marcia haber
$250 on behalf of Melody Young
$250 on behalf of Mike Castillo
$250 in memory of Mike Wilt
$250 on behalf of Mircea Monroe
$250 in honor of My kids
$250 on behalf of Perennial Legacy
$250 from Anonymous
$250 on behalf of Scott Williams
$250 from Anonymous
$250 in honor of Steve and Zina Glodney
$250 on behalf of Team Prince
$250 on behalf of The Wall Family
$250 On Behalf Of Yerby Family
$224 on behalf of David Anderson
$200 in support of Bahar Yoselevsky
$200 on behalf of Denise Tanaka
$200 in honor of Gian Pazzia
$200 on behalf of Helen Jong-Yamahata
$200 On Behalf Of Janet Sanehira
$200 on behalf of Joel Rudnick and Belita Moreno
$200 on behalf of Ken and Priscilla Mui
$200 in memory of Mary Oishi & Elyse Oishi
$200 on behalf of Matthew Hodak
$200 on behalf of Maureen and Damon Reinagle
$200 in support of My friends with cancer
$200 on behalf of paul palmer
$200 on behalf of Rob Kuri
$200 in support of Sharlene Miyagishima. Peggy Doonan, Jerry Bledsoe
$200 On Behalf Of Sharon Liebl
$200 on behalf of Sharon Oda
$200 On Behalf Of Shelly Caserta
$200 in honor of Steve and Zina Glodney
$200 on behalf of Tim Lopez
$200 on behalf of Winifred Freedman
$180 On Behalf Of Nadine Farber
$180 on behalf of Rochelle Cohen
$175 on behalf of Mary Fields
$150 on behalf of Amber Citrine and Dick
$150 on behalf of ANTHONY and MARILYN AVERRA
$150 on behalf of David & Mary Kolan
$150 on behalf of James Rothman & Carol Prince
$150 in memory of Kirsten Cole
$150 on behalf of Lisa Nagato Kennedy
$150 on behalf of Marie and Bob Mooney
$150 On Behalf Of Philip & Vivian Deutsch
$150 on behalf of Philip & Vivian Deutsch
$150 on behalf of Scott Wetherby
$136 from Anonymous
$118 on behalf of Allison Diftler
$108 on behalf of Steve & Louise Schuman
$100 on behalf of Jane Higginson
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Alexandar Ruzich
$100 On Behalf Of Ann Igarashi
$100 on behalf of Anthony Penalosa
$100 in support of Arthur Toretsky
$100 in honor of Arthur Toretzky
$100 in honor of Arthur Toretzky
$100 on behalf of Audie Cabero
$100 on behalf of Barajas Family
$100 on behalf of Barbara Miyamoto
$100 on behalf of Bayla Idels
$100 in support of Ben Levine
$100 in memory of Benjamin Levinson
$100 On Behalf Of Betty Hiji
$100 on behalf of Bruce Kleine
$100 on behalf of Carlene Thissen
$100 on behalf of Caswell Cox
$100 on behalf of cathy glass
$100 on behalf of Ceferino Serafin
$100 on behalf of Charles Itagaki
$100 on behalf of Charmaine Batayola
$100 On Behalf Of Cheryl Masukawa
$100 on behalf of Chrissy Goodman
$100 on behalf of Christine Loudon
$100 from Anonymous
$100 in honor of Claudia DeCea
$100 on behalf of Claudia Lonow
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Corey Mazza
$100 on behalf of Courtney Terry
$100 on behalf of Dale Drummond
$100 on behalf of David & Fran Webb ❤️
$100 on behalf of David Webb Sr.
$100 on behalf of Debbie Nakamura
$100 on behalf of Denise Zager
$100 on behalf of Diane Weiss
$100 on behalf of Enga Mar
$100 on behalf of Esther Pickens
$100 on behalf of Felicia Drew
$100 in support of Fern Martin
$100 in memory of Fran Basom
$100 in memory of Friends and family affected by cancer.
$100 on behalf of Geoffrey Barrett
$100 in memory of George Simpson and Jean Kleine
$100 on behalf of george wendt
$100 on behalf of GLENN WILKINSON
$100 on behalf of Grayson and Cameron Masukawa
$100 on behalf of hal tudisco
$100 on behalf of Harva Kowal
$100 in memory of Helen Gilmartin
$100 on behalf of Henry cohen
$100 on behalf of Home Unknown
$100 on behalf of howard mermel
$100 on behalf of ICE Richard Farrow
$100 on behalf of In Memory of David St. John
$100 on behalf of Jan Beatrice Tan
$100 on behalf of Jan Froehlig
$100 on behalf of Janet Leong
$100 on behalf of JAY Gruska
$100 on behalf of JEFFREY FRIEDMAN
$100 on behalf of Jennifer Sinnott
$100 in support of Joel Subotnick
$100 on behalf of Jon Oda
$100 on behalf of Jonah & Jamie Schnel
$100 in memory of June Matsuno
$100 on behalf of Justin Popp
$100 on behalf of Justin Sroka
$100 on behalf of Keith Kroening
$100 On Behalf Of Ken Clements
$100 on behalf of Kenny and Leah
$100 on behalf of Kitty & Armin
$100 on behalf of Kyla Fernando
$100 on behalf of Larry Reynosa
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Lewis Colick
$100 on behalf of Lindsry Parker
$100 on behalf of Lisa Adelman
$100 in memory of Lisa Kahan
$100 on behalf of Lisa Maeda
$100 on behalf of Lloyd Weintraub
$100 on behalf of Lynelle Goya
$100 on behalf of Margo Carey
$100 on behalf of Mari Fuentes
$100 on behalf of Mario Faciane
$100 on behalf of Marisa Alimento
$100 on behalf of Marlene McGuirt
$100 On Behalf Of Martha Rivera & Lisa Maeda
$100 on behalf of martin gilbert
$100 on behalf of Martin Robinson
$100 on behalf of matthew delrahim
$100 in memory of Meagan Alonso
$100 in honor of Mel Belasco
$100 in memory of Michael F. Wolf
$100 on behalf of Michael Ponce / Shaw Ind.
$100 on behalf of Michelle Kato
$100 in memory of much love to the memory of Anton!
$100 in memory of My Auntie (Atanacio - Manalo Family)
$100 in memory of My mom, Hideko Hirami-Breast Cancer Survivor
$100 in memory of My parents Josef and Edith Deutsch
$100 on behalf of N+Z
$100 on behalf of Nicolynn Guillote
$100 on behalf of Norman L Williams
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Nova, Rya and Kye Montoya
$100 on behalf of Nufar Kadosh
$100 on behalf of Oscar and Teri Kennedy
$100 on behalf of Patrick Schaffer
$100 On Behalf Of Patsy Matsushita
$100 on behalf of Paul Rubell
$100 On Behalf Of Pauline Kaku
$100 on behalf of Pauline Kikuchi
$100 on behalf of Peter Van Norden
$100 on behalf of Phil & Kim Makertichan
$100 On Behalf Of Raymond Cole
$100 on behalf of Rayne Alexander
$100 on behalf of Richard Lawson
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Robert Perez
$100 on behalf of Romme & Jolene
$100 on behalf of Ron Mesina
$100 in memory of Roy and Lori
$100 on behalf of Sarah Daly Weir
$100 on behalf of Scott Barranti
$100 on behalf of Shaila Haque
$100 on behalf of Shar Miyagishima
$100 in support of Sharlene Miyagishima
$100 on behalf of Sharlene Miyagishima
$100 on behalf of Sharlene Miyagishima
$100 in support of Sharlene Miyagishima
$100 on behalf of Sharlene Miyagishima
$100 on behalf of Sheila Fujimoto
$100 on behalf of SiriGarber Garber
$100 on behalf of Stacey Kolinsky
$100 on behalf of Steve Montoya
$100 on behalf of Steven Klein
$100 on behalf of Steven, the card shark & Zena the fisherman ! GZ
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Susan Fujii
$100 on behalf of Susie and Bill Ewing
$100 on behalf of Susie Choe
$100 on behalf of The Delacruz Family
$100 from Anonymous
$100 on behalf of Todd Popp
$100 on behalf of Tom Klarin
$100 on behalf of Tom Nakagiri
$100 on behalf of Tony Esquivel
$100 on behalf of tori kent
$100 on behalf of Tyler Zimmer
$100 on behalf of Vianey Mendez
$100 on behalf of Victoria Beatley
$100 on behalf of Wendy Binder
$100 on behalf of Wyeth Collo
$100 On Behalf Of Yen Trabajo Morris
$72 on behalf of Ofri and Omer Milstein
$65 on behalf of Ken Jeong
$60 from Anonymous
$60 on behalf of Sharlene Miyagishima
$54 on behalf of Inbar Cohen
$54 on behalf of Michelle Weisman
$50 on behalf of Abbie Levine
$50 on behalf of Adam Becker
$50 on behalf of Aimee Liao
$50 On Behalf Of Alice Kaku
$50 in support of All those battling cancer
$50 on behalf of Amanda Cox
$50 on behalf of Amelia Tena
$50 on behalf of Anice M Luftig
$50 on behalf of Annie Unknown
$50 in support of Arthur Toretzky
$50 in honor of Barry Israelson
$50 in honor of Beth Wray
$50 on behalf of Brandon Kikuchi
$50 on behalf of Carol Hiroto
$50 on behalf of Caryn Wander
$50 on behalf of Castulo Guerra
$50 on behalf of Charlene Gorzela
$50 on behalf of Cheryl Barkinskiy
$50 on behalf of Chrissy Goodman
$50 On Behalf Of Costanzo Family Trust
$50 on behalf of Dana Sarzhanova
$50 on behalf of David Bonino
$50 on behalf of David Rubenstein
$50 on behalf of Debbie & Stan
$50 in support of Debbie Martin
$50 on behalf of Denise Gordy
$50 on behalf of DENNIS DAVIDSON
$50 on behalf of Dina Louie
$50 On Behalf Of Donna Nelson
$50 on behalf of Donna Shinozaki
$50 on behalf of Dori Kulwin
$50 in support of Eileen Kawana
$50 on behalf of Emad Bertan
$50 on behalf of EMILY KARIYA
$50 on behalf of Ethel Corpuz
$50 On Behalf Of Ets Miyagishima
$50 on behalf of Euressa Cosmiano
$50 on behalf of Francene Mori
$50 from Anonymous
$50 in memory of Gray Defevere
$50 on behalf of Guy Nakakura
$50 on behalf of Hannah, Hailey and Haleia
$50 in memory of Helen Williams
$50 on behalf of Hilda Knapp
$50 on behalf of Jacque Tagliere
$50 from Anonymous
$50 in memory of Jennifer Goldenberg
$50 in support of Jennifer Parsons
$50 in support of Jill O.
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Joan Boris
$50 on behalf of Joanne Schwartz
$50 on behalf of Jocelyn Varnal
$50 On Behalf Of John G Hitchins & Jean L Hitchins
$50 in memory of Joseph Dennis Reyes
$50 On Behalf Of Judy Matsuzaki
$50 on behalf of Julie Medina
$50 on behalf of K Callan
$50 in support of Karen Zumsteg
$50 on behalf of Kate Smith
$50 on behalf of Kathryn McMillan
$50 in memory of Keith Raygor
$50 on behalf of Lala Peyrefitte
$50 on behalf of Larry Sapadin
$50 On Behalf Of Laurie Miller
$50 on behalf of lawrence palacio
$50 On Behalf Of Linda
$50 in memory of louis j levine
$50 on behalf of Lynn Milgrim
$50 on behalf of Lynn Nakamura
$50 on behalf of Maddy Mcguirt
$50 On Behalf Of Magdaline Liu
$50 On Behalf Of Magdaline Liu
$50 on behalf of Mara Larsen
$50 in memory of Marci Moran
$50 on behalf of Margie Mullen
$50 in honor of Maria Diaz
$50 On Behalf Of Marian Fenimore
$50 on behalf of Marilyn Rado
$50 on behalf of Marlene Swedelson
$50 on behalf of Marty Azoulay
$50 in honor of Marty Cohen, for his dedication to WeSPARK!
$50 on behalf of Maxwell McGuirt
$50 on behalf of Memory of Jack
$50 on behalf of Meredith Silva
$50 in memory of Michael Krane
$50 on behalf of MIchael Mabunay
$50 in memory of Millie Sheanin
$50 on behalf of Mish Sjolander
$50 in memory of My brother Eric
$50 in memory of My sister in law
$50 in memory of my Uncle Ray
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of paddy cullen
$50 on behalf of Patricia Ecker
$50 on behalf of Patricia Mackenzie
$50 in honor of Patty Snyder
$50 on behalf of Paul Cobian
$50 on behalf of Peter Young
$50 on behalf of Philip Messina
$50 on behalf of Renee Foresman
$50 on behalf of Richard Jensen
$50 on behalf of Ross Walker
$50 on behalf of Rowena Romano
$50 in memory of Roy & Frances Takeda
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Sarah Bicknell
$50 on behalf of Sharlene Miyagishima
$50 on behalf of Sharlene Miyagishima / Fran Webb
$50 on behalf of Sharon Repass
$50 on behalf of Shela Kaneshiro
$50 on behalf of sheri miller
$50 on behalf of Shiva Salehpour
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Suzanne Heri
$50 on behalf of Teresa Thome
$50 on behalf of Teri and Mark McClure
$50 from Anonymous
$50 in honor of Toby Mandelberg
$50 on behalf of Tom Reynolds
$50 in memory of Toshi
$50 on behalf of Tracee Krell
$50 on behalf of Tracy Tisino
$50 on behalf of Vincent Manzo
$50 on behalf of Wacky
$41 in memory of Shirley Saber
$40 on behalf of Ellen Dostal
$40 on behalf of Israel Sanchez
$40 from Anonymous
$36 from Anonymous
$36 on behalf of Kenneth Lerner
$36 on behalf of Lisa Kodimer
$36 in memory of Sandra Beaver
$35 On Behalf Of Brittany Dawson
$30 on behalf of Hourig Krikorian
$30 from Anonymous
$30 on behalf of Mario Interiano
$30 on behalf of Marissa Hodak
$30 from Anonymous
$30 in support of Robert Perez
$26 on behalf of Chynna Alexander
$25 on behalf of Alfonso Saenz
$25 in support of Angelique Mryick
$25 on behalf of Arthur Toretsky
$25 on behalf of Cher Van Amburg
$25 on behalf of Christina Famy
$25 on behalf of Clare Larkins
$25 from Anonymous
$25 in support of Debbie Martin
$25 on behalf of Eileen Skone-Rees
$25 on behalf of Elaine Braverman
$25 on behalf of Elizabeth Davis
$25 in support of Elizabeth Ingraham-Ono
$25 on behalf of Elsie and Chuck Spallone
$25 on behalf of Erica Sfadia
$25 on behalf of Erin Cohen
$25 on behalf of Gary Wolfson
$25 on behalf of Helen Olivares
$25 on behalf of James Felder
$25 on behalf of JOHNNY WONG
$25 On Behalf Of Kathleen D Wyman & Samuel I Wyman
$25 in support of Kimmie Mitchell
$25 on behalf of Kirsten Landon
$25 on behalf of Lance Kaneshiro
$25 on behalf of Linda Dukes
$25 on behalf of Maria Montoya
$25 on behalf of Martha Peterson
$25 on behalf of Melizza Estur
$25 in support of Monica Thomas
$25 in memory of Murray Goldberg
$25 in memory of my dad, JR Parmeter
$25 in honor of Nadine Antin-Colla
$25 on behalf of Natalie Armoutian
$25 on behalf of Neil Pettes
$25 on behalf of Patrick Niega
$25 in support of Pie Lombardi
$25 on behalf of Raymond Andonian
$25 on behalf of Renee Thomas
$25 on behalf of Sandra Alvarado
$25 in support of Sharlene Miyagishima
$25 in honor of SHARON TASH
$25 On Behalf Of Sharon Valera
$25 On Behalf Of Stephanie Bown
$25 from Anonymous
$25 in memory of Virginia Greenberg
$25 in memory of Walt Klein
$25 in memory of Walt Klien
$25 on behalf of Wayne McGuirt
$25 on behalf of Wesley Tanijiri
$25 on behalf of Wynn Helms
$20 On Behalf Of James Carson
$20 on behalf of Analee Pasette
$20 on behalf of Andrea Lwin
$20 on behalf of Ann Miller
$20 on behalf of Dara Pierre-Louis
$20 on behalf of Darren Masserman
$20 on behalf of Debra Martin
$20 on behalf of Erika Lopez
$20 on behalf of Erin Hamme
$20 on behalf of Garss Sherbetdjian
$20 on behalf of Gerry Villalobos
$20 On Behalf Of Karyl Ventura
$20 on behalf of Kevin Gerlach
$20 on behalf of Lissa Coffey
$20 on behalf of Lorrena Luftig
$20 in memory of Marsha Lewis
$20 in memory of Miriam
$20 in memory of Natalie Jo Zink Zook
$20 on behalf of Oralia Donis
$20 on behalf of Pam Loew
$20 on behalf of Rita Herbstman
$20 on behalf of Roger Chhay
$20 on behalf of Ryan Montoya
$20 on behalf of Sarina Simon
$20 on behalf of Taro Yamanoha
$20 on behalf of VERONICA TINJACA
$18 in memory of Fred Page
$18 on behalf of Home Pope
$18 in memory of Mayroma Avishur, beloved mother
$18 on behalf of Michelle Conwisar
$18 in memory of Mindy Friedman
$18 from Anonymous
$18 in support of Sharlene Miyagishima
$17 on behalf of Brittany Dawson
$15 on behalf of Anne Carson
$10 on behalf of Beni Kim
$10 on behalf of Catherine McCroskey
$10 on behalf of Geri Cronin
$10 on behalf of Gitl saved her allowance for you.
$10 from Anonymous
$10 on behalf of Jessica Torres
$10 on behalf of Jorge De los rios
$10 on behalf of Mathilde Chardon
$10 from Anonymous
$10 in memory of Thelma Gloria
$5 on behalf of Amanda Corral
$5 on behalf of Brenda De Loera-Correa
$5 on behalf of Devon Walden
$5 in support of Jessica Calderon Calderon

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