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Brett Bilodeau

Fundraiser Login


Raised of $1,500


Skating for a Cure

I am lacing up my skates for the LivSports 24 Hour Adult Hockey Marathon, benefitting LivFree - a pediatric cancer foundation that provides Moments of Joy to kids and families to give them a break from struggle. Whether it is going to a game, a broadway show, a concert, or even just a night out - LivFree this there for the whole family. 

Growing up, I had several friends affected by various pediatric cancers. As a kid, it was difficult to understand the magnitude of the situation and what the families were going through in search of a cure. As an adult of 4 young children, I have seen a handful of my children's friends diagnosed with pediatric cancer. Recently, Keegan Duperron, a close friend and hockey rival of my sons was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia. With the help of his 7-year-old brother Bennett being a 100% bone marrow match, Keegan recently underwent his first treatment last week at Boston Children's Hospital.

I will be skating on behalf of Keegan and his family as they continue to put their faith and trust in God and those treating Keegan. 

I will be participating in this feat of endurance to use my passion as a platform for good. A donation of any amount will help me reach my initial goal.



Top Donors

$5,700 Raised By 44 Donors

$500 in support of Brett Bilodeau
$500 in support of Matt Van Arkel
$250 in support of Ben Rabinowitz
$250 in support of Brett Bilodeau
$250 in support of James Howard III
$250 in support of Jim Wierstra
$250 in support of John Raffaeli
$250 in support of Matyas Kasek
$250 in memory of Scott Duques
$250 on behalf of The Montgomery Family
$150 in support of Paul Ferraro
$100 in support of All American Waste
$100 in support of All brave children battling cancer
$100 in support of Andrew Dacey
$100 in support of Brett
$100 in support of Brett Bilodeau
$100 in support of Brett Bilodeau
$100 in support of Brett Bilodeau
$100 in support of Danielle Morgan
$100 in support of David Mullen
$100 in support of Donald Skillings
$100 in support of Fitzpatricks
$100 in support of Glenn Stevens
$100 in support of Justin Duffie
$100 in support of Matthew Merry
$100 in support of Mike & Kate Kralik
$100 in support of Pamela Stokes
$100 in support of Richard Spinelli
$100 in support of Ryan Jones
$50 from Anonymous
$50 from Anonymous
$50 from Anonymous
$50 in support of Brad Guszack
$50 in support of Brett B!!!
$50 in support of Brett Bilodeau
$50 in support of Brett Bilodeau
$50 in support of Brett Bilodeau
$50 on behalf of Chad Kibbe
$50 in support of Charlène von Saher
$50 in support of Chelsea Stottuth
$50 in support of Cory Clouser
$50 in support of I.C.E Unknown
$50 in support of Jessica & aldo Cerone
$50 from Anonymous

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