Ethan, Mason & Tyler will be skating for Kyle Noblett and Kennedy Caskey
Kyle Noblett was diagnosed with brain cancer when he was 3 years old. He fought bravely but ultimately lost his battle when he was only 9 years old. The boys hear about Kyle, their uncle, through stories told by their Dad, Nona and Pappa. He had a fun personality, loved to dress up, and made the best of the time he had here.
Kennedy, the boys cousin, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia just shy of her 3rd birthday. Due to the commitment of researchers and physicians around the world who continue to fine tune successful treatments and protocols, she is free of cancer. Kennedy is now a happy, healthy 7 year old who loves Barbie's and playing soccer with her friends. You can meet her cheering on the Ice Dogs, especially when they play in her home town of Kalamazoo.
Please consider donating to support research efforts to find a cure for all cancers.