Sports Backers Donation Page

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Jacki Runs For Kids Run RVA


Raised of $500


On April 29th and 30th, 7 teammates and I will be taking on Ragnar Trail Richmond at Pocahontas State Park. Our team will complete 122.4 miles in a relay-style race. This will not only be a physical feat but also a mental and emotional one as every team member will run at least one leg at night in the dark, on limited sleep. But we are doing it to raise money for Kids Run RVA, a program of Sports Backers. Kids Run RVA supports youth running clubs in the Richmond, Virginia region, giving elementary and middle school aged kids an opportunity to train for and participate in a local race over the course of a fall and spring season. Kids Run provides resources for their coaches to foster a safe and fun environment to build up their young runners' physical endurance in order to be ready for race day. This program also helps youth overcome barriers to participation by offering complimentary race entries, covering the cost of transportation to and from the events, providing team t-shirts free of cost, and even outfitting youth in need with new running shoes.Β 

Please consider supporting me by making a donation to Kids Run RVA.



Lynn made a $26.20 donation

β€œHave fun at Shamrock!!!!πŸ’œπŸ’ͺπŸ˜˜β€


Martha Britt made a $23.00 donation


Ieshia made a $20.00 donation

β€œIn support of RVA Kids Ieshia love the kids!”

Anonymous made a $26.20 donation

β€œThank you Jacki for pouring your passion today into our youth "tomorrows!"”


Lynn made a $100.00 donation


Anonymous made a $47.00 donation

β€œFor an awesome runner, advocate, and lady.”

Anonymous made a $25.00 donation

β€œYOU ARE AWESOME! Go Jacki!”



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