I am proud to represent the Barnett-Searing National Cancer Foundation in the Newport Bermuda Race starting June 17, 2022. This boat race take place from Newport, RI to the island of Bermuda, and is held most entirely out of sight of land. As part of this effort, I will be racing 635 nautical miles in my sailboat with a crew. I am raising funds and awareness for BSNCF, a charity that I am passionate about. My best friend, Roger (RT) Clarke III, lost his battle with cancer at the age of 47. Watching RT battle cancer impacted my life, and I want to help others who are battling this disease. BSNCF sends "Smile Kits," or care packages, to female cancer patients throughout the United States. Please support my epic journey by making a donation to my fundraising campaign.
Let's send smiles across the miles to cancer patients as we sail across the miles!
Captain Mike