1. RunSignup
  2. API
  3. Methods
  4. Import CSV/GRU Results

Import CSV/GRU Results

Create a new result set from a CSV or GRU results file. The CSV/GRU file should contain column headers on the first line and results on the following lines.

You will need to specify which columns in your CSV/GRU file correspond to our columns. The first column is index zero. For example, if first name is in the first column, you should set first_name_col to 0. Alternatively, you can name your columns the same as our headings. For example, set the first name column heading to "first_name" instead of sending first_name_col.



HTTP Method


Standard Parameters

Parameter HTTP Method Default Description Datatype
api_key GET API Key string
api_secret GET API Secret string
tmp_key GET Temporary API Key from login API call. This should NOT be used in combination with API Key. string
tmp_secret GET Temporary API Secret from login API call. This should NOT be used in combination with API Secret. string
rsu_api_key GET API v2 key. If used, you must send the API secret in an HTTP header named X-RSU-API-SECRET. string
sp_api_key GET Super partner API key. If used, you must send the API secret in an HTTP header named X-RSU-API-SECRET. string
X-RSU-API-SECRET HTTP Header API v2 or super partner secret. string
format GET xml Format of response. The default if not sent is `xml`, but `json` is preferred. format


Parameter HTTP Method Default Description Datatype
POST ID of race. uint
POST ID of event. uint
POST CSV/GRU file contents. string
result_set_name POST Results Name of result set. string
public_results POST T Indicates whether the results should be publicly visible. bool
results_source_name POST Optional name of the source that provided the results. string
results_source_url POST Optional URL of the source that provided the results. string
result_questions_contact_email POST Optional email address that will be used when participants have questions or issues related to the results. string
result_questions_url POST Optional URL to use for participants who have questions or issues related to the results. string
preliminary_results POST F Indicates whether the results should display a "Preliminary Results" notice. bool

Column Matching

Parameter HTTP Method Default Description Datatype
first_name_col POST Column index (starting at zero) of the row containing first name. uint
last_name_col POST Column index (starting at zero) of the row containing last name. uint
place_col POST Column index (starting at zero) of the row containing the finishing place. uint
bib_col POST Column index (starting at zero) of the row containing bib number. uint
age_col POST Column index (starting at zero) of the row containing the runner's age. uint
gender_col POST Column index (starting at zero) of the row containing runner's gender. uint
city_col POST Column index (starting at zero) of the row containing runner's city. uint
state_col POST Column index (starting at zero) of the row containing runner's state. uint
clock_time_col POST Column index (starting at zero) of the row containing runner's clock time. uint
chip_time_col POST Column index (starting at zero) of the row containing runner's chip time. uint
avg_pace_col POST Column index (starting at zero) of the row containing runner's average pace. If not provided, the pace will be calculated from the time and distance. uint
age_percentage_col POST Column index (starting at zero) of the row containing runner's age percentage. If not provided, it will be automatically calculated. uint

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